|Kingston upon Thames
Hong Kong Yummy Club 香港好味道 2
香港好味道由Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames 資助,今次活動主題為「識飲識食健康過冬」,請到Horace中醫師解說冬天最常遇到的問題及防治方法 – 涷瘡、乾咳/痰咳、冬天鬱悶(Winter Blue),分享多款冬季養生食譜,並感謝多位義工預備桑寄生蓮子蛋茶、琥珀合桃、薑汁紅棗糕、花茶、豬腳薑等多款香港人喜愛的有益美點,歡迎邀請本地朋友黎一齊品嚐。
2023年12月08日 下午12:30 – 下午1:50
Kingston upon Thames, Fairfield E, Kingston upon Thames KT1 2PT, UK
(Please see English version right after the Chinese copy.)
香港好味道 -- 識飲識食健康過冬
Kingston Beats再次成功申請Kingston地方政府的社區資助(Borough-wide Community Grant),今次計劃主題為「香港好味道」,旨在推廣和分享香港烹飪和美食文化,促進社區交流。我們將會舉辦多場香港美食分享會,重現香港人最記掛的家鄉食物,並鼓勵大家交流使用本地食材的烹調心得。
今次活動「識飲識食健康過冬」請到Horace中醫師主持短講,解說冬天最常遇到的問題及防治方法,包括涷瘡、乾咳/痰咳、冬天鬱悶(Winter Blue),分享多款冬季養生食譜,義工並會預備多款香港人喜愛的有益美點,歡迎邀請本地朋友黎一齊品嚐。
日期:2023年12月8日 (星期五)
1. 中醫講座 (下午12:30-1:15, 廣東話進行)
Horace中醫師將會解說冬天最常遇到的問題及防治方法 – 涷瘡、乾咳/痰咳、冬天鬱悶(Winter Blue),解答大家問題及分享多款冬季養生食譜。
* 歡迎在報名表格提問問題,中醫會盡量解答。
2. 美食分享 (下午1:15-1:50)
- 芝麻湯丸 (滋補肝腎、潤腸烏髮)
- 琥珀合桃 (補腎強腰、潤腸通便)
- 薑汁紅棗糕 (行氣活血、調補脾胃)
- 桑寄生蓮子蛋茶 (滋陰補腎、調經安神)
- 玫瑰花茶/洋金菊茶 (疏肝解鬱、幫助入睡)
- 甜醋豬腳薑 (暖胃驅寒、補氣養血)
地點:Kingston Quaker Centre, Fairfield E, Kingston upon Thames KT1 2PT, UK
贊助:The Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames
1. 報名費一經繳付,恕不設退款。活動開始後30分鐘如參加者仍未出現,視作自動退出,恕不會代留食物或退還門券費用。
2. 以上列出食物僅作參考,大會有權因應情況作出改動。
3. 今次並非團購活動,食物由義工預備供大家淺嘗分享,只限現場享用,不能帶走。每種食物份量有限,並不保証每人一份。
4. 食物材料包括雞蛋、合桃、糖,如有食物過敏請留意。
Hong Kong Yummy Club -
Date: 8 December 2023 (Friday)
Time: 12:30 - 13:15 Health talk by Traditional Chinese Medicine Practioner Horace Cheung (in Cantonese)
13:15 - 13:50 Food tasting
Place: Kingston Quaker Centre, Fairfield E, Kingston upon Thames KT1 2PT, UK
Registration fee (administration): £2 per head
Thanks to the support of the Royal Borough of Kingston Upon Thames, we have launched a new project to promote and share Hong Kong's cooking and food culture. The upcoming event will feature healthy winter food and recipes. Traditional Chinese Medicine Practioner Horace Cheung will share the tips of staying and eating healthy in winter and treatments of common winter diseases. Volunteers will prepare various delicious and healthy snacks, desserts and drinks made with local ingredients, including walnuts, red dates, sesame, ginger, eggs and herbs.
No matter whether you are Hongkongers recently settled in Kingston or locals who fancy traditional Hong Kong foods, don’t miss this opportunity to taste some of the favourite healthy food of Hong Kong people.
1. Registration fees are non-refundable. If ticket holders do not show up 30 minutes after the event starts, we reserve the right to give away the food and no refund will be made.
2. The food listed above is for reference only and we reserve the right to make changes.
3. This is a social event and not a group buy. Participants are expected to join the event and consume the food on-site. Food cannot be taken away.
4. Food ingredients include eggs, walnuts and sugar. Please be aware if you have food allergies.
報名費 (1人)