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25 Apr 2023 (Every Tue) 11:15-12:45


Vineyard Life Church


Do you feel like you want to brush up your English so you can converse with the locals in the U.K.? It starts with good grammar! From April 25th, our teacher Belinda Ginns is again running a 8-week basic English Grammar course every Tuesday.


25 Apr 2023 (Every Tue) 11:15-12:45

Vineyard Life Church, The Vineyard, Richmond, TW10 6AQ



Basic English Grammar 基礎英文文法班

Do you feel like you want to brush up your English so you can converse with the locals in the U.K.? It starts with good grammar! From April 25th, our teacher Belinda Ginns is again running a 8-week basic English Grammar course every Tuesday. The program teaches participants common grammatical points in the English language, phonics, intonation and other language activities.

日期: 25/4, 2/5, 23/5, 30/5, 6/6, 13/6, 20/6, 27/6/2023 (5月9日及16日沒有課堂)

時間: 11.15 - 12.45

地點: Vineyard Life Church, Richmond, TW10 6AQ

導師: Belinda Ginns 梁愛玲

費用: £30 (全期8堂)

授課語言: 英文,輔以廣東話

** 每堂後下午1:00有「午餐聊天室」,歡迎免費參加。

導師簡介:梁愛玲Belinda Ginns,有一半的英國血統,丈夫是英國人,一家在香港定居多年,講流利英語和廣東話;曾在大學及語文學院任教英文,專長教授英語為第二語言(Teaching English as a second language);曾著有《真英文》一書,收錄學校不會教的地道英文單詞、片語和成語等,以年輕人、潮流化的語言去翻譯,讓讀者近一步將英語說得生活化、地道化。由於多名兒子在英國讀書及生活, Belinda經常英國香港兩邊走,對英國社會文化有深入認識,最近移居Richmond。


  • 8 lessons from 25 Apr 2023

    Basic English Grammar 基礎英文文法班 (8 堂)





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