Every Sat from 4May24 (2:45-4:00pm)
|Kingston Methodist Church
Intermediate Sketching Class 中級素描班 (風景素描/繪畫班) (5-7月課程)
Sketching is the foundation of all art. This course is suitable for beginners who wish to learn about the basics of sketching, ways to observe and mastering various sketching techniques.
Time & Location
Every Sat from 4May24 (2:45-4:00pm)
Kingston Methodist Church, Methodist Church Hall, 13 Fairfield S, Kingston upon Thames KT1 2UJ, UK
About the event
Intermediate Sketching / Drawing/ Watercolour Drawing Class:
Dates: 04,11,18,25May, 1,8,15,22,29Jun,06Jul24(10 Saturday lessons)
Time: 2:45 - 4:00pm
Address: Upper Hall, Kingston Methodist Church, 13 Fairfield S, Kingston upon Thames KT1 2UJ, UK
Fee: £144for 10 lessons (Include 20% VAT)
Early Bird : £120 for 10 lessons (Include 20% VAT) (for registration on or before 22Mar2023)
Observing is one of the keys to creativity and discovering opportunities for innovation. Highly successful Innovators including artists, designers, scientists, and entrepreneurs, tend to be keen observers of the world around them.
Sketching is the foundation of all art. Would you like to develop observation skills, cultivate creativity, improve concentration and reduce stress?
The sketching course is suitable for intermediate level focusing on Figure Drawing
Instructor: Mr. Nelson Dai has been studying western paintings since childhood.
He is a graduate of the Chinese University of Hong Kong where he minored in
Fine Arts. He was a school teacher in Hong Kong teaching visual arts for over 20 years. Now living in London, he continues to work as an educator and is the Head of Art in a UK High School.
中級素描班 (風景素描/繪畫班)
2024年5月4,11,18,25, 6月1,8,15,22,29及7月6日共10堂 (星期六)
時間:下午2:45 - 4:00
地點:Upper Hall, Kingston Methodist Church, 13 Fairfield S, Kingston upon Thames KT1 2UJ, UK
早鳥優惠:全期10堂共£120 (3月22日前報名)
Landscape Drawing 1(風景畫1)
1. Foreground, Middleground & Background 前景、中景和背景
2. Sighting & Measuring 目測量度
3. 1 Point Perspective Exercise 一點透視練習
4. 1 Point Perspective Drawing 一點透視繪畫
5. 2 Point Perspective Exercise 兩點透視練習
6. 2 Point Perspective Drawing 兩點透視繪畫
7. 3 Point Perspective Exercise 三點透視練習
8. 3 Point Perspective Drawing 三點透視繪畫
9. Indoor Drawing 室內寫生
10. Outdoor Drawing 室外寫生
Sketching Class Materials:
1. Pencils (H, HB, B, 2B, 4B, 6B)
2. Colour pencils for those want to explore more
3. Eraser (good quality, recommend Radar plastic eraser)
4. A4 Sketch Book (paper weight not less than 160 gsm, coil / spiral bound)
導師:Nelson Dai香港中文大學副修藝術系畢業,自小學習西洋繪畫,前香港華仁書院教師,有多年美術科任教經驗,業餘從事繪畫創作,現居倫敦,從事教育工作,現職英國中學的美術科主任。
Ticket policy:
1) The class consists of 10 lessons and the fee of each lesson is £10. All payment is non-refundable.
2) Any absences will not be refunded.
3) Due to venue issues or instructors' sick leave, any cancelled lessons will be fully refunded.
1) 學費每節£12 或£14.4,全期10節,一經繳付,恕不設退款。
2) 如學生告假或缺席,將不會安排退款。
3) 如有不可控制的因素需要取消課程,例如學校有特別活動取消租場,我們會為受影響的課堂安排退款。