Every Sat from 7th Jan 2023 (4:00-5:30pm)
Cantonese Drama Workshop @St Luke's 廣東話故事劇場
In this workshop, students will enhance their creativity, self-confidence and capability of self expression through lively and interesting theatre games and rehearsals instructed in Cantonese, and develop their listening, speaking and reading skills.
Time & Location
Every Sat from 7th Jan 2023 (4:00-5:30pm)
ST. LUKE'S CE PRIMARY SCHOOL, MUSIC ROOM, Acre Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT2 6EN
About the event
Cantonese Drama Workshop
Dates: 7, 14 Jan, 4, 11, 18, 25 Feb, 4, 11, 18 & 25 Mar 2023 (10 Saturday lessons)
Time: 4:00 - 5:30pm
Fee: £100 for 10 lessons
Hello Mummies and Daddies! Are you children settling well in the U.K.? Would you like your children to learn Cantonese and Chinese? This Cantonese drama workshop is specially designed for students to develop their listening, speaking and reading skills, and at the same time enhance creativity, self-confidence and capability of self expression through various lively and interesting theatre games and rehearsals.
Instructor Owen Kwok graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts, and City University of Hong Kong with Associate Degree in Arts. Owen has been a freelance stage actor, playwright and drama coach for over ten years in Hong Kong, working with notable theatrical companies and schools including Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, Cinematic Theatre, iStage, etc. Owen has relocated to the U.K. since mid 2022 and is now residing in London.
2023年1月7, 14, 2月4, 11, 18, 25, 3月4, 11, 18 & 25日共10堂(星期六)
時間:下午4:00 - 5:30
導師:Owen Kwok,香港城市大學應用中文系及香港演藝學院戲劇學院畢業。從事香港劇場工作多年,擔任演員、編劇及戲劇導師,曾與多個專業劇團及學校合作,包括香港話劇團、影話戲、Istage等等,現居倫敦。