|Café, New Malden Methodist Church (面向high s
我和春天有個約會 (一) ~ 茶聚 Spring Afternoon Tea Gathering
🌸🌸天氣開始暖返,我地又有新活動,大家一齊tea一tea 🌸🌸 形式:類似一人一餸,大會提供免費咖啡、茶,參加者帶茶點分享(自製糕點、甜品、小食、水果都得) Spend an afternoon indulging in home-made cakes, desserts and snacks. Each family is invited to bring and share your favourite dish and cooking tips. Free coffee and tea will be provided all afternoon.
2023年2月25日 下午1:00 – 下午4:00
Café, New Malden Methodist Church (面向high s
我和春天有個約會 ~ 大家一齊tea一tea
1) 類似一人一餸,我哋會提供免費咖啡、茶
2) 參加者帶茶點分享(自製糕點、三文治、麵包、甜品、小食、水果都得)
3) 收到confirmation email請入 signal group 例出準備什麼茶點
Spring Afternoon Tea Gathering
- Each participating family is invited to bring a dish (any food from sandwich, cakes, bakery, snacks) to share
- Free coffee and tea will be provided all afternoon
- You will receive an invitation to a signal group and join the discussion of food preparation
Date日期:25.2.2023 星期六/Saturdady
Time 時間:1:00 – 4:00pm
Venue地點:Café, New Malden Methodist Church, 49 High St, New Malden KT3 4BY(面向high street的咖啡室)
備註:這次下午茶聚會是Perfect Saturday項目其中一項活動,由council資助,去年9月開始,為期半年。
The activitiy is supported by the Borough-wide Community Grant of Royal Borough of Kingston Council.